Red & Green Health Burrito!

Here’s a unique recipe in celebration of Tasty25 Magazine’s 2,000th subscriber! Check out this Red & Green Health Burrito sent in by Jillian Ferrello of Columbus, OH; it’s a low-sodium, diabetic friendly recipe full of crisp bell pepper, kale, and green onions! Moreover, it’s simple to make, and oh so healthy & delicious! Try this one out for your next lunch or dinner, and make sure to share your thoughts by rating & commenting below. Enjoy, and Happy Cooking! – Tasty25 Staff



Every recipe has a story! Jillian told us theirs: “I’m on a 10 day detox cleanse, and have only been eating vegetables and fruits for the past four days. I needed substantial meal that wouldn’t interrupt my cleanse, and this totally worked! It feels good to eat and still be healthy! Have to give props to the employee at Whole Foods who introduced me to brown rice tortillas in order to make this dish into an awesome burrito!” –Jillian


What you need:

2 Brown rice tortillas

1/2 Cup brown rice

1 Red bell pepper

1 Green bell pepper

1/4 Cup green onion

1/4 Cup kale

Garlic clove, chopped

1/2 Tsp. salt

Mixed herbs (Oregano, Basil, and Pepper)

Directions: (Approximate cook time: 25 minutes; Serves 2 adult.)

  1. Boil & cook your brown rice.

  2. While rice is cooking, cut your red & green bell pepper into strips, and chop your garlic clove.

  3. On the stovetop, sauté the red & green bell pepper strips, green onion, kale, garlic, and salt in 1 Tsp. of olive oil; Cook for 3-5 minutes, adding mixed herbs to taste; Remove, and set aside.

  4. Next, place your brown rice tortillas one at a time into the frying pan, and cook for 1-2 minutes on each side.

  5. After the rice is done, place your brown rice tortillas on plates, and add a serving of brown rice along with your sauteed red & green bell pepper medley to each; Serve immediately.

  6. Eat & enjoy!

 Thanks Jillian for sending in this wonderful arrangement to Tasty25 Magazine! What’s your Tasty25 creation? Send in your recipe, and be featured on Tasty25 by going to the “Submit Your Tasty25 Creation” page.