Spicy Buffalo Baked Taquitos!

As the weather begins to get warmer each day, here’s a yummy Mexican recipe to bring in the flavors of Spring! Check out these Spicy Buffalo Baked Taquitos submitted by Tasty25 contributor Amber Constant of New Orleans, Louisiana; these delicious ethnic treats are a healthy twist to a Mexican delight, filled with meat, veggies, and all sorts of great spices! The meal feeds 4 adults at only 320 calories per serving, low in sodium, and they’re packed full of protein, dietary fiber, and much more. Share your thoughts with Amber by leaving a rating & comment below, and we hope you enjoy. Happy Cooking! – Tasty25 Staff




CALORIE COUNT: 320 Calories Per ServingSERVING SIZE: 161 grams.


What you need:

1 Cup of white onion, chopped

2 Cloves of garlic, minced

1/4 Cup diced red bell pepper

1/4 lb. Raw buffalo meat, ground (96-98%lean)

1/4 Cup fresh salsa

1/4 Cup goat cheese

1/4 Cup black bean spread (I used Cedars brand.)

1/4 Cup white bean spread (I used Cedars brand.)

1/4 Cup cooked quinoa

1 Package of Sprouted Corn Tortillas

1 Tbsp. kelp

1 Tsp. ground black peppercorn

2 Tsp. cumin

1 Tsp. paprika

2 Tsp. cayenne powder

2 Tsp. chili powder

1 Tbsp. dried cilantro, or more if using fresh

Coconut Oil (For Brushing)

Directions: (Approximate cook time: 25 minutes; Serves 4 adults.)

  1. Preheat oven to 425F. In a skillet, saute onions for 4 minutes; Add red pepper, then saute for 2 minutes, adding garlic until aromatic. (1 minute or so.)

  2. Next, add the buffalo meat and seasonings; Cook for 5min or until browned; Add your cooked quinoa, and stir until evenly distributed.

  3. Add in goat cheese, salsa, bean spreads, and additional seasonings if needed; Stir until evenly distributed and heated for 2-3 minutes.

  4. Open tortillas, place filling inside, and make tight rolls; Place all on a baking sheet, and brush lightly with coconut oil (Or olive oil.)

  5. Bake for 10-15min. (Bake until browned and crispy on the outside.)

  6. Remove from oven, and serve hot.

  7. Eat & enjoy!

 What’s your Tasty25 creation? Send in your recipe, and be featured on Tasty25 by going to the “Submit Your Tasty25 Creation” page.



Amber Constant is a Tasty25 Magazine contributor from New Orleans, LA.


Chipotle Fiesta Tilapia!

Tasty25 Magazine brings a bit of food spice to your life! This amazing Chipotle Fiesta Tilapia recipe, sent in by the food blog Hungry Cupcakes based out of Henderson, NV, is a fiery, vibrant, and delicious combination that shows us all that eating healthy has no drawbacks. Takes 25 minutes, and serves 2 adults. Give this recipe a try, and let us know what you think by leaving a comment below. We can’t wait to see what other healthy & delicious recipes Hungry Cupcakes has in store for Tasty25! Enjoy, and Happy Cooking! – Tasty25 Staff



What you need:

2 Tilapia filets

2 Cups of corn

1 Cup chopped spinach

1/2 Red onion (Diced)

1 Red pepper (Diced)

1 Tbsp. minced garlic

Grill Mates™ Chipotle Pepper Marinade

2 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil (Separated)

1 Avocado (For garnish)

1 Lemon (For garnish)

Directions: (Approximate cook time: 25 minutes; Serves 2 adults.)

  1. Marinate the fresh Tilapia filets in the Grill Mates™ marinade mix & 1 Tbsp of olive oil for 15 minutes.

  2. Add the diced and sliced vegetables to the other Tbsp of olive oil, then sear in a medium-sized pan or skillet with spices and minced garlic (Cooking Tip: A balanced blend of spices and minced garlic are key ingredients to all healthy & delicious veggie medleys).

  3. Grill Tilapia filets until cooked thoroughly; Then combine the veggie medley & tilapia filets, add avocado slices and squeeze some lemon on top.

  4. Eat & enjoy!


Thanks Hungry Cupcakes for sending in this wonderful arrangement to Tasty25 Magazine! What’s your Tasty25 creation? Send in your recipe, and be featured on Tasty25 by going to the “Submit Your Tasty25 Creation” page.