Cottage Cheese & Fruit Delight!

Cheers to a delicious, naturally sweetened healthy snack! Check out this Cottage Cheese & Fruit Delight submitted by Vera Such of Basel, Switzerland; it’s low fat, 160 calorie snack that’s chock full of yummy assorted fruit! This is a great after school snack for the kids, or a quick grab-and-go snack to pack for your workday… Honestly, you can’t go wrong with this one! Make sure to share your thoughts about this amazing recipe by leaving a rating & comment below, and we hope you enjoy. Happy Cooking! – Tasty25 Staff



CALORIE COUNT: 160 Calories Per ServingSERVING SIZE: 2 Adults


What you need:

1 Cup low-fat cottage cheese

1/2 Cup sliced bananas

1/4 Cup chopped apples

1/4 Cup raspberries

1 Tsp. fresh clover honey

Directions: (Approximate cook time: 3 minutes; Serves 2 adults.)

  1. Mix together your cottage cheese, sliced bananas, chopped apples, raspberries, and honey until completely even.

  2. Serve immediately in 2 medium sized bowls.

  3. Eat & enjoy!

 Thanks Vera for sending in this wonderful arrangement to Tasty25 Magazine! What’s your Tasty25 creation? Send in your recipe, and be featured on Tasty25 by going to the “Submit Your Tasty25 Creation” page.