Rainbow Veggie Wrap!

Here’s a colorful & delicious vegan meal for you to chow down on! Check out this Rainbow Veggie Wrap recipe submitted by Sophie MacKenzie of Cambridge in Waikato, New Zealand; it’s a 10-minute, 401 calorie creation that looks even better for you than it looks; 44% DV of fiber, 11.6 grams of protein, 139% of your DV for Vitamin A, and 152% of your recommended daily intake of Vitamin C! Share your thoughts on this awesome recipe by leaving a rating & comment below, and we know you’re gonna enjoy this one. Happy Cooking! – Tasty25 Staff




Every recipe has a story! Sophie shared hers with us: “When I don’t know what I want to eat, this always is my top go to meal because it has everything you need for health, and tastes divine! You can easily change the the flavours with what type of hummus you put in; hope you enjoy it as much as I do!” –Sophie


CALORIE COUNT: 401 Calories Per ServingSERVING SIZE: 354 grams


What you need:

1 Large spinach tortilla wrap

1/2 Cup avocado (mashed)

2 Tbsp. hummus

2 Lettuce leaves

1/4 Cup spinach (chopped)

1/2 Cup purple cabbage (chopped)

1/4 Cup carrots (sliced in thin strips)

1/2 Cup bell pepper (sliced in strips)

1/4 Cup cucumbers (chopped)

1/4 Cup tomatoes (sliced)

Directions: (Approximate cook time: 10 minutes; Serves 1 adult.)

  1. Spread the avocado & hummus on one side of the spinach tortilla wrap.

  2. Next, add the soy sauce, salt, and black pepper (if desired) to the veggie mixture; Cook on high heat until cooked through and a little tender, but still crunchy.

  3. Pour the drained beans into a medium bowl, and add the cooked veggie mixture. Add Italian dressing if desired.

  4. Serve immediately.

  5. Eat & enjoy!

 Thanks Sophie for sending in this wonderful arrangement to Tasty25 Magazine! What’s your Tasty25 creation? Send in your recipe, and be featured on Tasty25 by going to the “Submit Your Tasty25 Creation” page.

Cinnamon Oatmeal Pancakes!

2012 was a SPECTACULAR year for our food conscious community, and we’re starting the New Year right with an awesome new breakfast recipe! Check out these healthy & delicious 15-Minute Cinnamon Oatmeal Pancakes submitted by Tasty25 contributor Amber Constant of New Orleans, Louisiana; they’re guilt-free, warm, fluffy pancakes, packed with dietary fiber, calcium, and complex carbohydrates! This 327-calorie recipe is a food conscious way to get your metabolism going in the morning, and make a healthy & delicious meal worthy of Tasty25 stardom. Let us know how they taste by leaving a rating & comment below, and we hope you enjoy! Happy Cooking! – Tasty25 Staff




Every recipe has a story! Amber shared hers with us: “The reason why I use a mixture of regular oats and steel cut oats is because steel cut oats are less processed, thus retaining more of its nutrition. Also, to spice it up, I added Crofters Natural Berry Jelly on each pancake layer, plus fresh cut D’Anjou Pears on top with chia seeds, coconut, raw agave nectar, and pumpkin seeds. So yummy!” –Amber


CALORIE COUNT: 327 Calories Per ServingSERVING SIZE: 2 Adults


What you need:

1/3 Cup organic oats

2/3 Cup organic oatmeal

1/2 Cup almond flour

1/8 Cup organic flax-meal

1 Egg

3/4 Cup 2% milk

1/8 Cup apple juice

1 Stevia packet (2 gram packet)

1 Tsp. baking powder

1/2 Tsp. vanilla

3/4 Tsp. cinnamon

1/4 Tsp. sea salt

1/4 Tsp. nutmeg


*If you want this recipe to be gluten free, make sure the oats you buy are certified gluten free. If you want it to be vegan, replace the egg with a “chia or flax egg”.


Directions: (Approximate cook time: 15 minutes; Serves 2 adults.)

  1. Put your oats in a food processor or blender, and grind them as finely as possible until it resembles a flour. (Some of the steel cut oats will still be somewhat coarse.)

  2. Next, heat a nonstick frying pan over medium to medium-high heat.

  3. Put all of your dry ingredients together in a bowl, and whisk just enough until its all evenly mixed; Do the same with all of your wet ingredients in a different bowl.

  4. Now, combine your wet & dry ingredients. (TIP: If your mixture seems too runny, you can always add more flax-meal to absorb the liquid; this absorption isn’t immediate, so wait a few minutes.)

  5. Apply coconut oil or olive oil spray if necessary onto hot pan or griddle, then ladle 1/3 cup of batter onto it; Wait until you see bubbles on the top on the pancake and dry edges, then flip. Repeat this process until all of the pancake are done; serve immediately.

  6. Eat & enjoy!

 Thanks Amber for sending in this wonderful arrangement to Tasty25 Magazine! What’s your Tasty25 creation? Send in your recipe, and be featured on Tasty25 by going to the “Submit Your Tasty25 Creation” page.

Tasty25 TV: Autumn Harvest Cookies!

We’ve been waiting for the next great dessert recipe to be submitted to Tasty25 Magazine, and today we got it! These Caramel Apple Oatmeal Cookies sent in by Reese Latham of Oxford, MS are a tasty way to include fresh fruit & honey into warm, soft, chewy cookies! Each one of these delicious treats are only 132 calories per serving, so you can feel at ease with indulging your sweet tooth also. Make sure to share your thoughts and opinions below by rating & commenting on this recipe; we know you’ll enjoy this one! Have a great day, be food conscious, and Happy Cooking! – Tasty25 Staff



What you need:

1 1/2 Cups multi-grain flour

1 1/2 Cups old-fashioned rolled oats

1 Cup fresh clover honey

3/4 Cup finely chopped fresh apple slices

3/4 Cup caramel bits, chopped

6 Tbsp. unsalted butter, softened

1 Tsp. baking powder

1/2 Tsp. baking soda

1/2 Tsp. salt

2 Tsp. vanilla extract

1 Large egg


Directions: (Approximate cook time: 25 minutes; Yields 36-48 cookies.)

  1. Preheat oven to 350F.

  2. Combine your flour, oats, baking powder, baking soda, and salt into a large bowl; Stir well.

  3. Next, place your honey & butter into a large bowl; beat with a mixer at medium speed until light and fluffy; Add your vanilla and egg, and beat well; Gradually add the flour mixture to the bowl, and beat at low speed until mixture is just combined; Then gradually fold in your chopped apple slices and the bits of caramel.

  4. After you’re finished combining the ingredients, drop the dough by 2 teaspoonfuls two inches apart onto baking pans lined with baking paper.

  5. Flatten balls slightly with your hand, and bake at 350 °F for 9 minutes.

  6. When cookies are done, cool the cookies in the pans for about 3 minutes.

  7. Then remove cookies from pans, and allow to cool completely on wire racks.

  8. Eat & enjoy!

(Tasty25 Staff Tip: Refrigerate excess cookies as a treat for a later day; place them in tupperware or zip-lock bags to ensure freshness!)

 Thanks Reese for sending in this wonderful arrangement to Tasty25 Magazine! What’s your Tasty25 creation? Send in your recipe, and be featured on Tasty25 by going to the “Submit Your Tasty25 Creation” page.

Tasty25 TV: Strawberry & Peach Salad w/ Chicken!

It’s never a bad idea to whip up a balanced salad in the kitchen for lunch or dinner! Check out Episode 2 of Tasty25 TV, as we bring you a Strawberry & Peach Salad w/ Chicken recipe submitted by a very special Tasty25 contributor – Chef Dana Herbert of New Castle, Delaware. Chef Hebert recently competed for Buddy Valastro’s 8-week baking contest “Next Great Baker” on the cable television network TLC™, and won first place! His culinary creations have also been featured on several other cable TV networks, including WeTV™ and QVC™, and it’s an honor to welcome this world-class baker & food enthusiast to our food conscious community. His salad recipe is a complete meal consisting of only 390 calories per serving, contains 33% of your daily Vitamin A recommendation, and over 124% of your Vitamin C! Give Chef Dana’s recipe a try, and let us know what you think by rating and/or commenting. Enjoy, be food conscious, and Happy Cooking!  – David Jones II, Editor



What you need:

2  6-oz chicken breasts

2 Bunches of spinach/baby spinach (Washed, dried, and cut if needed.)

3 Cups sliced strawberries

1 Cup sliced peaches

1/2 Cup walnuts

2 Tbsp. poppy seeds

2 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice

2 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil

1 Tbsp. honey

1/2 Tsp. dry mustard

1/4 Tsp. black pepper powder

Pinch of sea salt & paprika


Photo by: Erik Meyer


Directions: (Approximate cook time: 15 minutes; Serving size – 4 adults)

  1. Using a whisk, combine the lemon juice, 2 Tbsp. of olive oil, dry mustard, poppy seeds, and a pinch of salt & paprika until all ingredients are dissolved; Place dressing in the refrigerator.

  2. Next, heat your oven to 350 degrees; Place walnuts & almonds on a metal baking tray, and toast in the oven for 8-10 minutes.

  3. Cut the chicken breasts into even horizontal strips; Place on a cooking grill, and grill until cooked all the way through. (10-15 minutes.)

  4. After the chicken is thoroughly cooked, toss torn spinach leaves, strawberries, and peaches in a large bowl, and drizzle the refrigerated dressing over it.

  5. Now add walnuts, and top salad with grilled chicken; serve immediately.

  6. Eat & enjoy!

 Thanks Chef Dana for sending in this wonderful arrangement to Tasty25 Magazine! What’s your Tasty25 creation? Send in your recipe, and be featured on Tasty25 by going to the “Submit Your Tasty25 Creation” page.